In the RC hobby, flying RC helicopters is often considered the hardest RC skill to master. This might make the marketing claims for easy-to-fly toy RC helicopters hard to understand. The difference is in the helicopter design, the controls, and the range of movement that the helicopter is capable of performing. Hobby-grade RC helicopters are designed to look and operate very much like full-size helicopters. Toy-grade helicopters are configured and operate a little differently. They are designed for more stable flight so that children can more easily use the transmitter and control the flight. These changes mean that the helicopter is not capable of the same speed or maneuvers as hobby-grade helicopters. Both can still be fun to fly.

Controlling and Flying Toy RC Helicopters
        What you can do with an RC helicopter (such as going up and down) are actions initiated by radio signals from the transmitter. The number of channels on a transmitter tells you the number of actions that you can control on the RC. These actions usually involve things like changing the pitch (tilt) of the rotor blades or making the blades spin faster. A hobby-grade RC helicopter normally requires at least four or five channels for normal flight that closely mimics the controls and flight of full-size helicopters. Toy-grade helicopters may have only 2 or 3 channels and much more limited actions. The typical toy helicopter is a 2- or 3-channel model that can fly up and down, maybe forward and sometimes backward, and go left and right. It may run at a constant speed. It can hover in place but it's probably not going to be able to do high speed chases, loops and rolls, or inverted flight. In order to provide more stable flight, the tail may not have the familiar tail rotor and blades of real helicopters that are set perpendicular to the main rotor. Instead they often have fixed pitch, counter-rotating dual main rotors (ringed for safety). These rotors eliminate the need for the operator to use tail rotor controls to counteract a natural phenomenum of helicopter flight that makes the body of the helicopter want to spin around and around. Because the main rotors are fixed pitch (blades don't tilt independently), there are no cyclic controls -- tilting of the main rotor -- for climbing and diving or doing banking turns. Instead, the dual main rotors provide level turning. Some models have a small rotor on the tail (parallel to the main rotors) or vertical rotors in other locations that control forward flight and provides further stability. These design changes sacrifice some of the maneuverability found in hobby-grade helicopters but it also means that the pilot needs to perform fewer actions to keep the helicopter in flight. Simpler controls, slower speed, and less aerobatics ability makes these toy helicopters easier to fly and provide children and novice pilots with more entertainment value. It doesn't mean that you can master RC helicopter flight right out of the package though. Even with the toy helis it takes patience and practice to hover, fly around the room, and land upright. For a step up from toy helicopters but with the stability features that make for easier flight, consider a hobby-grade Blade CX. It provides easier hovering and control but has the advanced features of hobby helicopters. With hobby-grade RC helicopters there are many more actions that the pilot can do and needs to perform to keep the helicopter aloft. Variable pitch rotors and other design features allow the helicopters to do more diving, climbing, rolls, and loops in addition to going up and down and hovering. These actions along with adjustable speed make hobby helicopters extremely challenging to fly but also more exciting. Transmitters for hobby RC helicopters may come with many channels to control basic helicopter functions, provide more precise control of mixed actions, and change settings on the helicopter from a distance; but, for basic flight four or five channels is normal. All four or five channels are activated with just the two sticks on the transmitter. The movements typically controlled by a 5-channel

transmitter are:
• Throttle More throttle equals more power and speed. Less throttle slows down the helicopter.
• Main rotor up and down movement The collective keeps the pitch of the main rotor blades level with
   the fuselage and allows for the ascent and descent of the helicopter.
• Tail rotor side to side movements The tail controls yaw -- keeps the helicopter from spinning around
   and around. The tail rotor also acts like a rudder for turning.
• Main rotor forward or backward tilt The elevator or cyclic pitch controls forward and backward
   movement and altitude (diving and climbing) when in flight.
• Main rotor left and right tilt The aileron or cyclic roll causes the helicopter to bank left or right or roll
   to the left or right.

Best Beginner Remote Control Helicopter
        Remote controlled toys particularly helicopters are very popular among a lot of people even to adults. A lot of them are putting much interest in this hobby of flying a RC helicopter. It is a good activity that a father and son or a group of friends can do to make sure that the bond between them will remain intact as ever. For a beginner, surely, there are plenty of things and factors that you still need to keep in mind before you can fly this RC helicopter safely. There are some important tips that you need to remember so that you will be guided thoroughly. Make sure that you will also consider rc planes for sale.

        If you are flying a remote controlled helicopter, you are aware that you can only control the toy with the use of a remote control. Thus, it is indeed very important that you master the buttons. Learn how to hover by applying slight pressure of one of the buttons. The movement from left or right may also be controlled with the rudder of the remote.

        It is very important that you keep it safe also since it costs a lot too. Find a place where it is safe to fly the helicopter. The place must be flat, free of obstructions like trees or buildings and grassy. Slowly apply pressure on the buttons if you cannot control it fully yet. A beginner must be guided if he wants to fly a remote controlled helicopter. it is important so that you will be able to keep the helicopter safe. The tips are indeed very helpful for you. Thus, you have to remember them and make use of them if you have a RC helicopter. When people take up the hobby of flying remote control helicopters they just want to get out and fly the model. The intricacies of how the control systems work is not something that is top of their priorities. At skymodels we understand the enthusiasm of novices but it is definitely worth taking the time to “lift the bonnet” on the mechanics of how your model stays in the air. The first part of the control system we will describe is the transmitter (TX). It is the box that you hold in your hands. All the transmitters sold with entry level helicopters will share common features and it is only as you move to more advanced models that you will require the extra trims and “dials”. Toy helicopters are supplied with two channel transmitters and are easy to use so we will skip over them and move straight to 4 + channel TX’s that will be used by those interested in more than a basic toy.

4 Channel TX : These have two “sticks” that can move in both directions, up / down, left / right. This equates to two channels per stick. Each time the sticks are moved a signal is sent through the antenna to the receiver (RX), which is located in the body of the helicopter. In new RC helicopters the signal is transmitted over the 2.4GHZ frequency. The movement of the helicopter will depend on which “stick” is moved.

Modes : The transmitter for a remote control helicopter can be set up in one of any number of modes, however the two most common modes are 1 and 2. The mode setting determines the functions of each control stick. For example on a mode 2 TX forward and backward movement of the left hand stick will open or close the throttle. When it comes to selecting a mode there is no right or wrong answer but it would appear that mode 2 is more popular

Trims : Trims are regarded as “secondary” controls and are not essential. For more advanced enthusiasts they are great for maintaining the helicopter in balanced flight with very little input to the controls. The trims themselves can be analogue or digital, newer models been digital. However they both do the same job, that is make minor adjustments to the main controls.

Receivers (RX) : Getting a remote control helicopter to perform the manoeuvres you want takes a split second but involves a long sequence of events. All models are fitted with a receiver (RX). On entry level models the receiver is usually built into a mixer unit which also includes the gyro and ESC. The job of the receiver is to interpret the instructions sent through the TX and pass them onto the servos.

Servos : These are connected directly to the helicopter’s controls through mechanical linkages and rods. Movements in the servo horn ensure your helicopter reacts to the control movements you make on the TX. The number of servos in any particular helicopter is determined by the type of model it is. For example a collective pitch model will have more than a fixed pitch version. The servos do not act independently of each other and must be co-ordinated. In more advanced models this is done by an electronic cyclic / collective pitch mixer (eCCPM).

Gyros : Nearly every component of an rc helicopter control system is common across all types of models, whether they be cars, boats or planes. Gyros are an exception. They are unique to remote control helicopters. On fixed pitch and collective models there is a tail rotor, similar to a real helicopter. The purpose of the tail rotor is to stop the helicopter spinning in circles as the main rotor spins faster. The job of the gyro is to detect changes in the torque generated as the blades spin and adjust the pitch of the tail rotor to offset the changes. Flying remote control helicopters is great fun. There is a model to suit all abilities and budgets. With a little research before you purchase a model you can get a great deal more out of the hobby. There may even be a flying club close to where you live. If there is it is well worth getting involved as you can learn a great deal from those with a little more experience. Helicopters are to you, you may now be interested in flying them. This is indeed the best thing you can do at this point because you do not want to miss out on flying such classy helicopter models. Learning how to fly them is very easy as long as you are keen and ready to master all the details. If you truly believe in the fun you are going to get in flying these helicopter makes, then learning how to fly them will be the easiest and the most eventful and rewarding experience you will have by the end of the training period. The best way to learn how to fly remote control helicopters is by mere observation. You will be in a position to see for yourself how it is done from an expert and then you will be given a chance to try it yourself. This exercise will involve a well trained and experienced person, who already has first hand knowledge of the rc manual. A well trained person is preferred in this case because they are able to know how to fly different helicopter types irrespective of what power they are using. The person in this case should have enough experience which should be proven, because experienced persons are in a better position to master all the skills required in flying all the helicopter types. As a trainee, you should be able to tell what the pilot is doing after a few hours of training. This is because the person is supposed to be explaining his actions to you in the process of training. After a few days, you should be in a position to fly the helicopter without any guidance. A good trainer will give you time to try flying it before they can allow you to fly on your own. If you do not have any pilot at the moment and you are in a desperate need to learn how o fly remote control helicopters, you can still learn from a radio stimulator. An example in this case is the phoenix sim. This will act as a perfect alternative to an instructor in case you do not have any or you cannot afford to hire one. You need to be very keen in detail when learning because you will want to avoid all forms of mistakes which could cause serious problems when you try to fly the helicopter on your own. Other than the stimulator, we have so many online tutorials offered in various sites over the internet, which can help you master a few skills in flying remote control helicopters. These tutorials are prepared by very experienced pilots who have flown all types of helicopters in collaboration with the manufacturers of remote control helicopters. These tutorials are free to learn as long as you have an access to an internet source, and you will be able to learn from the simple skills to the most complex skills bit by bit. Remote Control Helicopter Types If you are considering what specific remote control helicopter to buy, this article must help. Listed here are the different types regarding remote control helicopter: Electric remote control helicopter Early power remote control helicopters released are very pricey but later on models tend to be affordable. This will make electric remote control helicopters accepted any type of remote control helicopters out there. It is easy to soar. It creates simply no noise along with smell in contrast to the gas remote control helicopter. It really is powered by a chargeable battery. The particular electric remote control helicopter is suitable for novices.

Gas remote control helicopter
        The gas remote control helicopter is made for you, If you’re thinking of flying a helicopter that will somehow near flying an actual helicopter. Created using an engine as well as powered by gasoline, this helicopter is regarded as the advanced remote control helicopter to get. Gas remote control helicopter does not occur cheap along with engine plus more complicated relocating parts. Gas remote control helicopter is good for advanced remote control pilot.

Mini remote control helicopter
        In addition powered by battery pack, this type of remote control helicopter is just like the electric remote controlled helicopter. In fact, it really is hard to establish if the electric remote control helicopter is categorized on the sounding a little. But harmless about it, you’ll be able to say that it’s mini if you’re able to fly the idea on your lounge without impacting danger in your furniture. Mini remote control helicopter can be fun in order to fly even though controlling this on air flow might be a small complicated in the beginning. But once you will get the hang of the idea, maneuvers and also landings are straightforward. It is also much more affordable compared to the two talked about types of remote control helicopter. Toy remote control helicopter If you want a reasonable remote control helicopter, then this first is for you. Just remember that to be able to fly this kind of remote control helicopter requires a large amount of practice. Micro remote control helicopter If you want a reasonable remote control helicopter, then this first is for you. Just remember that to be able to fly this kind of remote control helicopter requires a large amount of practice. Micro remote control helicopter If you have witnessed micro radio controlled car, tiny RC motorboat, and small RC airplane, and then you should not be amazed if you see micro remote control helicopter. This specific tiny little bit of aircraft can easily stretch approximately 8 in… But, you are unable to consider it the toy. Its standard capabilities are similar to what standard remote control helicopter. It’s very tiny which makes it look therefore delicate but also in face, components used like titanium and carbon dioxide is strong.


Helicopter, Lift is obtained by means of one or more power driven horizontal propellers which called Main Rotor. When the main rotor of helicopter turns it produces lift and reaction torque. Reaction torque tends to make helicopter spin. On most helicopters, a small rotor near the tail which called tail rotor compensates for this torque. On twin rotor helicopter the rotors rotate in opposite directions, their reactions cancel each other.

Main Rotor The lifting force is produced by the main rotor . As they spin in the air and produced the lift. Each blade produces an equal share of the lifting force. The weight of a helicopter is divided evenly between the rotor blades on the main rotor system. If a helicopter weight 4000 lbs and it has two blades, then each blade must be able to support 2000 lbs.In addition to the static weight of helicopter ,each blade must be accept dynamic load as well . For example, if a helicopter pull up in a 1.5 g manouver (1.5 time the gravity force), then the effective weight of helicopter will be 1.5 time of static helicopter weight or 6000 lbs. due to gravitational pull.

Tail Rotor The tail rotor is very important. If you spin a rotor with an engine, the rotor will rotate,but the engine and helicopter body will tend to rotate in opposite direction to the rotor. This is called Torque reaction. Newton's third law of motion states , " to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" . The tail rotor is used to compensates for this torque and hold the helicopter straight. On twin-rotors helicopter , the rotors spin in opposite directions, so their reactions cancel each other.

The tail rotor in normally linked to the main rotor via a system of driveshafts and gearboxes , that means if you turn the main rotor , the tail rotor is also turn.Most helicopter have a ratio of 3:1 to 6:1 . That is, if main rotor turn one rotation , the tail rotor will turn 3 revelutions (for 3:1)or 6 revolutions (for 6:1). In most helicopter the engine turns a shaft that connected to an input quill in the transmission gearbox. the main rotor mast out to the top and tail rotor drive shafts out to the tail from the tranmission gear box.

Dissymmetry of Lift
All rotor systems are subject to Dissymmetry of Lift in forward flight . At a hover , the lift is equal across the entire rotor disk . As the helicopter gain air speed , the advanceing blade develops greater lift because of the increased airspeed and the retreating blade will produce less lift , this will cause the helicopter to roll (for example: if rotor speed = 400 km/hr , helicopter move forward=100 km/hr then advancing blade will have speed=500 km/hr but the retreating blade will has moving speed of only 300 kr/hr ) . This has to be compensated for in some way .

Blade Flapping
Dissymmetry of lift is compensated for by Blade flapping. Because of the increased airspeed and lift on the advancing blade will cause the blade to flap up and decreasing the angle of attack . The decreased lift on the retreating blade will cause the blade to flap down and increasing the angle of attack . The combination of decreased angle of attack on the advancing blade and increased angle of attack on the retreating blade through blade flapping action tends to equalize the lift over the two halves of the rotor disc.


INTRODUCTION The wings of the airplane create a lift force when they move through the air. As we known,during flight, there are four forces acting on the helicopter or airplane and those are LIFT , DRAG , THRUST ,and WEIGHT .(please go back and see on What makes an airplane fly ? section).In order to make the wings to move through the air , of course, the plane itself has to move. A helicopter works by having its wings move through the air while the body stays still. The helicopter's wings are called Main Rotor Blades. The shape and the angle of the blades move through the air will determine how much Lift force is created. After the helicopter lifted off the ground, the pilot can tilt the blades, causing the helicopter to tip forward or backward or sideward.

NOMENCLATURE AND TECHNICAL TERM Although we will describe certain terms or parts of helicopter more in the next sections as we go along, but we should familier with all of these terms in order to understand the helicopter better.
Bernoulli'principle :This principle states that as the air velocity increases, the pressure decreases; and as the velocity decreases, the pressure increases .
Airfoil : is technically defined as any surface, such as an airplane aileron, elevator, rudder, wing, main rotor blades, or tail rotor blades designed to obtain reaction from the air through which it moves.
Angle of Attack : is the acute angle measured between the chord of an airfoil and the relative wind.
Angle of Incidence : is the acute angle between the wing's chord line and the longitudinal axis of the airplane. (usually manufacturer had built the aircraft with the wing has some degrees to the horizontal plane or airplane longitudinal axis).
Blades : The blades of the helicopter are airfoils with a very high aspect ratio ( length to chord ). The angle of incidence is adjusted by means of the control from pilots. The main rotor of the helicopter may have two, three,four , five or six blades, depending upon the design. The main rotor blades are hinged to the rotor head in such a manner that they have limited movement up and down and also they can change the pitch ( angle of incidence ). The controls for the main rotor are called Collective and Cyclic Controls.
The tail rotor is small blades may have two or four blades and mounted on the tail of the helicopter,it rotates in the vertical plane. The tail rotor is controlled by the rudder pedals. Its pitch can be changed as required to turn the helicopter in the direction desired.
Blade Root : The inner end of the blades where the rotors connect to the blade gripos.
Blade Grips : Large attaching points where the rotor blade connects to the hub.
Rotor Hub : Sit on top of the mast , and connects the rotor blades to the control tubes.
Main Rotor Mast : Rotating shaft from the transmission which connects the main rotor blades to helicopter fuselage.
Pitch Change Horn : to converts control tube movement to blade pitch. Control tube is a push-pull tubes that change the pitch of the rotor blades through the pitch changing horn.
Swash Plate Assembly : The swash plate assembly consists of two primary elements through which the rotor mast passes. One element is a disc, linked to the cyclic pitch control. This disc is capable of tilting in any direction but does not rotate as the rotor rotates. This non-rotating disc, often refered to as the Stationary Star is attached by a bearing surface to a second disc, often refered to as the Rotating Star which turns with rotor and linked to the rotor blade pitch horns.
Transmission : The transmission system transmits engine power to the main rotor, tail rotor, generator and other accessories. The engine is operated at a relative high speed while the main rotor turns at a much lower speed. This speed reduction is accomplished through reduction gears in the Transmission System
Lift : is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an airplane's wings compared to the pressure on the wing's lower surfaces,causing the wing to be LIFTED upward. The special shape of the airplane wing (airfoil) is designed so that air flowing over it will have to travel a greater distance and faster resulting in a lower pressure area (see illustration) thus lifting the wing upward. Lift is that force which opposes the force of gravity (or weight).


        There are many ways to enjoy the aspects of RC helicopters as a hobby, but some people have taken it a step further and turned their hobby into a viable and thriving business. What I’m talking about, is using your RC helicopter for aerial photography and videography. Aerial Photography (AP) is the art of taking photos from the sky whereas Aerial Videography is similarly the art of taking video from above. In the old days, if you wanted an aerial photo of your house, land, construction site, commercial building, farm or anything else, you had to hire a pilot and plane at the cost of $500 to $1,000 or more. That’s a thing of the past. With the new stabilization technology, high power setups and compact digital cameras and video cameras, everyone from small budget production companies to real estate agents to construction companies to farmers to special event organizers are using RC helicopters to take pictures and even video of their places and events. It’s even been used for filming footage for television news stations that don’t have the budget or availability of a full sized helicopter. In fact, RC helicopter based aerial photography is probably the most versatile form of aerial photography and aerial videography available, as it’s extremely accurate and has the ability to take aerial pictures and video from unique angles that full sized aircraft can’t match.

Photography & Videography
        Using radio control helicopters for aerial photography has certain advantages when compared to traditional aerial photography, where a full sized plane or helicopter is used.

They are:
• It’s much more cost effective than hiring a pilot with a full sized plane or helicopter.
• RC helicopters can fly at any altitudes from ground level to about 500ft or more whereas commercial aircraft are often limited by how low they can fly (traditionally 500ft to 1,000ft). Not only does flying closer to the ground cut down on any haze or air anomalies, but it also lets you capture your subject at unique angles.
• RC helicopters, especially electric RC helicopters, are also much quieter and more environmentally friendly to operate that traditional aircraft.
• You don’t need to have a nearby airfield or helipad.
• An RC pilot can arrive on location, take the pictures or raw video, burn it to a CD and give it to you all inside an hour.
• Due to advanced gimbals, image stabilization software and newer camera technology, RC aerial photography is the same or better quality than a pilot taking a picture out the window of his or her plane. Disadvantages Of RC Photography & Videography Even though the list of benefits of newer technology and RC photography / videography is long, it’s not without a few disadvantages. These include:
• RC helicopters cannot operate in strong winds or rainy weather.
• RC helicopters have a maximum altitude of about 500ft in most cases.
• You need to watch our for potential hazards and low-lying obstacles like power lines and trees.
• You don’t get the benefit of larger, production quality video cameras and operators, therefore the video is somewhat jerkier than something taken from a full sized helicopter.

Even though it has it’s disadvantages, many people are turning to the cost effectiveness of RC helicopter photography and videography and using it for everything like selling real estate, inspecting construction sites or large buildings, video production and even advertising for golf courses or wineries. One RC heli that has revolutionized the RC helicopter aerial videography scene is the Draganflyer SAVS (Stabilized Aerial Video System), which is a 4 rotor gyro stabilized, self leveling RC helicopter. It used patented thermal intelligence technology, which uses the infrared heat signatures of the earth and atmosphere to keep the helicopter level and stable when flying outdoors. This 19 ounce Draganfly SAVS is portable enough for almost any application, however it is limited by its 5-7 once lift capacity and 15 minute flight times. And because of its light weight and square shaped design, it’s also quite susceptible to the wind, and can’t safely be flown in gusts above 10mph. But, because of its stability, anti-vibration camera mount and ease to fly (when compared to traditional RC helicopters) this all in one package makes a great budget platform for aerial videography amateurs or the budding professional.


        I will bring you only some of History that I think it is useful for you to know about how the helicopter was developed. They were so many great people contributed to this technologies but some of them were succeed and some were not. We all thanks to those people which make today happen.

Igor Sikorsky (United States)
        It was during 1909 that Igor Sikorsky Build his first machine in Russia in common many earier designed. But this first Sikorsky helicopter never left the ground, and a second which followed in 1910 ,he did not succeeded at this time so, he stopped and turn to fixed wing aircraft until 1930 . VS-300: In 1939, Sikorsky and a team of his engineers desinged the VS-300. The VS stood for VoughtSikorsky and the 300 indicated that it was Sikorsky's third helicopter design.Vs300 had a75 hp Franklin 4cylinder engine. The basic structure was the heavygauge welded steel tubes. It had no covering at all and no instruments.It had three bladed main rotor and the anti-torque rotor at the rear.

VoughtSikorsky VS-300
The R-4: In 1941, Sikorsky and Gluharaff designed the production model of VS300 and desinated VS316A . It was the bigger a bigger machine with an enclosed cabin and side by side seating and dual controls for two men crew 175 hp engine, a larger 36 ft (10.97 m.) rotor.The VS316A known by military designation XR-4 and YR4A.

VoughtSikorsky VS-300

The R-5 and S-51: In 1943,Sikosky was working on all metal designated VS327 to meet requirement of USAAF known as XR5S and YR5A. It was better and bigger than R4. In 1946, the first civilian type helicopter,S51 (four seats) was the first helicopter to be licenced by the US Civil Aviation Administration for commercial operation.


Sikorsky S-51
The S-55: In 1949, Sikorsky S-55 was located 600hp engine in the nose. For the first time, a helicopter was capable of lifting a heavy load up to ten soldiers,in addition to its two men crew.

Sikorsky S-51

The S-55
The S-55: In 1949, Sikorsky S-55 was located 600hp engine in the nose. For the first time, a helicopter was capable of lifting a heavy load up to ten soldiers,in addition to its two men crew.

Sikorsky S-55

Focke Achgelis Fa61 (Germany)
Fa-61: Germany stepped to the front in helicopter development with the Focke Achgelis Fa-61, which it has two three-bladed rotor mounted on outriggers and power by a 160 hp radial engine. The Fa-61 had controllable cyclic pitch and set many of records . In 1938, Fa-61 made an altitude flight of 11,243 feet and cross-country of 143 miles.In this year, the german aviator Hanna Reitsch became the world's first woman helicopter pilot by flying the Fa-61 in the Deustchland-halle in Berlin. Germany continued its helicopter development during world war two and was the first to place the helicopter,Flettner Kolibri, into mass production. Focke Achgelis Fa-61

Focke Achgelis Fa-61

Jaun de la Cierva (Spain) / Autogiro
Cierva C30A : An Autogiro, in 1923 , Juan de la Cierva , a young engineer made the first successful flight of an autogiro. An autogiro operates on a different principle than a helicopter.That was the rotor of autogiro was not driven by the engine but rotated itself as the aircraft was drawn along by its propeller. Autogiro used extreamely short take-off and landing but it could not move sideways or hover in still air like a helicopter. The Autogiro's rotor is designed so that a blade set at a low positive angle of pitch will rotate automatically as long as an airstream is kept flowing through the rotor .However, the technology of the rotor head and the rotor blade developed for autogiro contributed importantly to the development of the successful of helicopter. Cierva C30A

Cierva C30A

Lawrence Bell (USA)
Bell Model 30 :Bell Aircraft Corporation was formed in 1935 but it was until 1943 that the first Bell Helicopter Model 30 was successful flown. Several version of model 30 were built . Model 47 , built in 1945 and was granted the world's first commercial helicopter licence. The Bell 47 developed into the most successful light - utility helicopters ever. A total of morethan 6,000 variants were built until the production was stopped in 1973. Bell Model 30

Bell Model 30


        Huey is a helicopter one machine and 2 blade made by Bell Helicopter Textron limited. The helicopter UH 1 H Huey use for the war Vietnam. The Bell UH-1 Iroquois, commonly known as the "Huey," was a multipurpose utility helicopter famous for its use during the Vietnam War. Bell developed the powerful helicopter in the 1950s and produced more than 16,000 between 1955 and 1976, over 7,000 of which served in Vietnam. The aircraft were used primarily to transport troops, for medical evacuations, cargo transport, and aerial attack. The Musuem's aircraft, a UH-1H model, was produced more than any other Huey, with the U.S. Army alone receiving nearly 4,850 aircraft. Many Hueys are still in use today, in both military and civilian capacities. Hueys have been used in firefighting missions, humanitarian aid efforts, research operations, and search and rescue duties.

Data specification of UH 1 H Huey.
Manufacturer: Bell Helicopter Textron (USA)
Model: UH-1H Iroquois (Huey)
Year: 1959
Length: 17.398m / 57ft
Height: 4.39522m / 14ft
Rotor Diameter: 14.6304m / 48ft
Short Title: Bell UH-1H Iroquois
Empty Weight: 2365.52kg / 5,215lbs
Gross Weight: 4100.54kg / 9,040lbs
Maximum Speed: 217.215km/h
Cruise Speed: 201.125km/h / 125mph
Power Plant: Lycoming T53-L-13 engine
Registration: 69-15140
Range: 506.835km / 315miles

UH-1H Huey Simulation.
The UH-1 Huey is one of the most iconic and recognizable helicopters in the world. Having served extensively as a transport and armed combat support helicopter in the Vietnam War, the Huey continues to perform a wide variety of military and civilian missions around the world today.

"DCS: UH-1H Huey" features an incredible level of modelling depth that reproducers the look, feel, and sound of this legendary helicopter with exquisite detail and accuracy. Developed in close partnership with actual UH-1H operators and experts, the DCS Huey provides the most dynamic and true to life conventional helicopter experience available on the PC.

A variety of realism and gameplay options, a number of single missions and a handcrafted campaign storyline featuring custom voiceovers and characters provide ample fun and immersion for both the realism buff and the casual enthusiast.

"DCS: UH-1H Huey" is the first DCS title to offer multiple player positions, including pilot, co-pilot, and door gunner. The helicopter can be flown as either a lightly armed combat transport or a close air support platform armed with steerable rapid-firing machine guns and unguided rockets.

A comprehensive training course that includes both demonstration lessons and in-cockpit interactive tutorials designed with the help of real helicopter pilots takes you through the learning process of proper helicopter control and employment.

A powerful yet easy-to-use mission editor allows you to create an unlimited number of both single-player and multiplayer missions and campaigns. A one-click Mission Generator also allows you to instantly create battles as small or large as you wish.

Fly online using the built-in server browser and fight with or against other player-controlled DCS aircraft like the Ka-50 Black Shark, P-51D Mustang and A-10C Warthog in a rich multiplayer environment.

Key Features of "DCS: UH-1H Huey" include:

Unmatched flight physics providing the most realistic and dynamic conventional helicopter experience on the PC. Multiple player positions, including pilot, co-pilot, and door gunner. Accurate and highly detailed 3D cockpit featuring six-degrees-of-freedom technology. Interactive cockpit controls that allow you to operate the systems using the mouse. Realistic modelling of the UH-1H instruments, weapons, engine, radios, fuel, electrical, and hydraulic systems. Highly detailed UH-1H external 3D model, liveries, and weapons. Accurate and engaging audio environment based on actual UH-1H sound recordings. Missions that include transport and combat support operations. Training that includes interactive and video lessons. Multiplayer coop mode for crew members of the same helicopter under development for a later update. Developed in close cooperation with real UH-1H operators.

UH-1H - General design and mission The UH-1H is a single engine, single rotor helicopter. Primary mission capability of the helicopter is air movement of supplies and personnel. Secondary missions include air assault, and command and control (C2) operations under day, night, visual, and instrument conditions.

In DCS: UH-1H Huey, the helicopter can be operated in the following variants:

Combat transport – transport of troops and/or material. Up to 11 combat troops can be transported and deployed. Combat Air Support (CAS) – armed air support employing unguided rockets and steerable rapid-firing machine guns.

The helicopter can be employed either from prepared airfields or Forward Area Rearming/Refueling Point (FARP) helipads.

The crew includes the pilot in the right-hand seat, copilot in the left-hand seat and one or two door gunners.

Flight dynamics model
Helicopter velocity is determined using primitive equations that calculate the forces and moments not only at the fuselage center of gravity (CG), but also acting on the turning rotors, which include the flapping motions of the rotor blades. This makes it possible to model all of the dynamic effects specific to helicopter flight.

The aerodynamic forces acting on the helicopter model are derived as a summation of the parameters of its individual elements: main and tail rotors, fuselage, vertical fin, horizontal stabilizer, pylons, landing skids. Each of these elements is positioned and orientated individually within the airframe’s local coordinate system and has its own aerodynamic characteristics.

The aerodynamic characteristics of each model element are pre-calculated with special software using numerical methods. In determining the forces and moments acting on the main and tail rotors, the calculations include the axial and longitudinal components of airflow speed, blade pitch, rotor angular velocities, airflow parameters, and blade inertia characteristics.

The aerodynamic forces acting on each model element are determined according to its pre-calculated characteristics in its own coordinate system. This includes local airflow velocity changes in the vicinity of the element as induced by other model elements.

Each element has a damage/destruction capacity that affects the lifting and center of gravity calculations of the model. Damage can be affected either by aerodynamic force or by physical contact with the ground or other objects. Ground and object contact is modeled using a system of rigid body points.

The detailed, real-time modeling of the dynamics involved with the main and tail rotors, fuselage, empennage, and other elements of the helicopter produces flight characteristics that closely match those of the real Huey and make it possible to naturally induce and closely model important flight conditions and effects like torque-induced yaw, translational lift, translating tendency, rotor overspeed and droop, retreating blade stall, autorotation, settling with power (vortex ring state), etc.

3D model and liveries
DCS: UH-1H Huey features an accurate and highly detailed 3D model of the helicopter using a 100,000+ polygon construction and a variety of historically accurate and inspired high resolution liveries. Multiple-texture maps, normal maps and specular maps are used to achieve a variety of special effects while extensive use of skeletal animation is made for effects such as rotor blade flexing, skid flexing, and machine gun belt bending.

The main rotor assembly is fully animated and correctly translates movement of the cyclic and collective controls to the rotor system, making it possible to visually see rotor disc tilting, conning, and blade pitching. Tail rotor pitch is animated and correctly translates anti-torque pedal input to the tail rotor.

The model includes extensive damage visualization that includes sector-based bullet/shrapnel penetration, canopy/window fracturing and penetration, and variety of partial or complete tearing of aircraft sections.

Many custom audio samples of actual UH-1 sounds were taken specifically for this project by a number of UH-1 operators and affiliates in an effort to faithfully represent and immerse the player in the audio environment of the helicopter. Inside and outside the cockpit, the sound environment is filled with handcrafted audio that includes the main rotor, tail rotor, engine components, various cockpit systems, and weapons.

DCS: UH-1H Huey features an accurately reproduced, highly detailed and interactive 3D cockpit with six-degrees-of-freedom ("6DOF") technology that allows the player to move the viewpoint in any direction inside the cockpit space. This means you can not only look up, down, left and right, but also raise or lower your viewpoint, slide to either side, move closer or further from the instrument panel, and even tilt left or right.
Nearly all of the onboard systems of the helicopter are animated and functional, allowing the player to configure the systems in the cockpit by either using the mouse to click on the desired switches and controls or by using keyboard shortcuts that can be mapped to the player’s HOTAS.

Instrument Panel
The front instrument panel includes the primary flight indicators, engine instruments and a number of other indicators.

Central Pedestal
The Central Pedestal is positioned between the two pilots and contains a number of control panels to operate the radio systems, armament systems, engine fuel flow, force trim, and others. All of these controls are fully animated and functional in DCS: UH-1H Huey with the single exception of the transponder set, which is animated and can be configured, but has no function in the simulation.

Caution Lights Panel
The Caution Lights Panel is subsystem of the Master Caution System and is used to indicate caution and warning signals to the pilot.


Helicopter, Lift is obtained by means of one or more power driven horizontal propellers which called Rotors. When the rotors of helicopter turns it produces lift and reaction torque, reaction torque which tends to make helicopter spin. on most helicopters a small rotor near the tail which called tail rotor compensates for this torque. On twin rotor helicopter the rotors rotate in opposite directions, their reactions cancel each other. The direction of helicopter is controlled by inclining the axis of the main rotor path in that direction.
Function of Controls
There are three major controls in the helicopter that the pilot must use during flight. They are : ( 1 ) Collective pitch control. ( 2 ) Anti Torque Pedals or Tail Rotor Control. ( 3 ) Cyclic Stick Control.
Collective Control
The collective pitch lever or stick is located by the left side of the pilot's seat and is operated with the left hand. The collective is used to increase main rotor pitch at all points of the rotor blade rotation. It increases or decreases total rotor thrust. The collective lever is connected to the swash plate by a series of bush pull tubes. Raising the collective lever increases the pitch on the main rotor blade, lowering the collective lever decreases the main rotor blade pitch. The amount of movement of th elever determines the amount of blade pitch change. As the angle of attack increase, drag increases and Rotor RPM and Engine RPM tend to decrease . As the angle of attack decreases, drag decreases and the RPM tend to increase.Since it is essential that the RPM remain constant, there must be some means of making a proportionate change in power to compensate for the change in drag. This coordination of power change with blade pitch angle change is controlled through a collective pitch lever- trottle control cam linkage which automatically increases power when the collective pitch lever is raised and decreases power when the lever is lowered.
The picture above is the typical collective lever but the detail of control may varies depend on each munufacturer .The main functions are still the same for all helicopters.

Collective Lever is connected to the rotor system via push pull tubes. It also has droop com pensation devics which sense change in the collective pitch lever and increases or decreases fuel to the engine automatically somewhat in anticipated of a change in power required. This helps to minimize the RPM fluctuations during collective pitch change.

Engine Control (Emergency) is the throttle twist grip. During emergency condition, between flight and flight idle positions. This is useful during any event which would cause engine or rotor RPM to go too high or while landing after a tail rotor failure.

Idle Release Button, when the throttle is rolled from " off " to " idle " the idle release button snaps into a detent which prevents the throttle from being rolled back to " off "

Starter Button : Pushing this button will cause the starter / generator to act as a starter motor ( Starter / Generator is a component that funtion in either mode as a starter or generator ) , turning over the engine.

Landing Light Switch has a three position which are " off " , " forward " and "both " . In forward , only the forward light is activated. In both, the forward and downward lights are activated .

Power Trim Switch ,by holding it in " increase " or " decrease " the pilot can set the RPM that the pilot attempt to maintain.


        The Bell 206A JetRanger was developed in response to a U.S. Army requirement for a light observation helicopter. Although loosing the U.S. Army contract to Hughes, Bell nonetheless built a five seat prototype of its aircraft, flown on January 10, 1966, and certified nine months later. The Model 206A was soon produced commercially and enjoyed massive success with both civilian and military operators around the world. The capacity and reliability of the JetRanger family resulted in Bell developing a medium-lift version of the 206 designated Model 206L LongRanger, incorporating a stronger engine, a lengthened fuselage and a larger-diameter main rotor.

The IAF had begun operating light helicopters in the mid 1950s but it was not until the Six Day War of 1967 that their importance was fully appreciated. The war had displayed the helicopter's advantages in the light transportation, VIP transport, liaison and recon roles, and in its aftermath a new light helicopter squadron was set up, the 125th "Hamesokim Ha'Kala" (Light Helicopters) squadron. At first equipped with the Aerospatiale Alouette II, the new squadron was based at Sde Dov. The Alouettes, however, were aged aircraft, lacking night flying capabilities, and the IAF sought to purchase another, more capable type. After testing a number of helicopters, including the Hughes OH-6A and the MBB BO-105, the IAF finally selected the JetRanger as its next light helicopter. The first two IAF JetRangers arrived in Israel in June 1971 and the type was nicknamed "Saifan" (Avocet).

When the Yom Kippur War broke out in October 1973, the 125th sqn. dispersed its aircraft to the various fronts, setting up a number of independent sections to operate alongside Israeli ground forces. Besides their regular role as light transports and VIP helicopters, the Saifans were also employed for casualty evacuation and pursuit of enemy forces. Another new role adopted during the war was artillery targeting, the helicopters directing Israeli ground fire against enemy positions. On one such mission eight Egyptian soldiers surrendered to a Saifan after an officer on board spotted and opened fire on them.

Cooperation with IDF ground forces continued after the end of the Yom Kippur War and the roles played during the war were now integrated into the squadron training regime. The end of the war also brought about an increase in American military assistance to Israel and more aircraft were procured. The increased Saifan numbers allowed the type's introduction into the IAF Flight School and since May 1976 the type has been the primary trainer for all future IAF helicopter pilots.

The Bell 206s were back in action during operation "Peace For Galilee," the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. During the war the 125th sqn. operated a temporary section at the northern airfield of Mahanaim, flying liaison, reconnaissance, transportation and evacuation duties in support of Israeli forces. These flights continued long after the end of hostilities, supporting the Israeli presence deep inside Lebanon. While Israel withdrew from most of Lebanon in 1985, it had nonetheless set up the southern Security Zone to protect its northern border from attacks originating there. Saifans continued to provide assistance to Israeli forces in Lebanon right up to Israel's withdrawal in May 2000. For their missions inside Lebanon, the helicopters were equipped with self-protection suites to guard against enemy ground fire.

Unlike most other elements of the IAF, Bell 206s saw extensive service during the Intifada, the Palestinian uprising which begun in December 1987, flying policing duties for the IDF. The Saifans also saw a great deal of action during the 1991 Gulf War. Every time Iraqi Scud missiles were launched against Israel, Saifans were scrambled to locate the point of impact, to determine whether the missile contained a chemical warhead and to direct search and rescue forces to the spot. The fear of Iraqi chemical warfare meant that the pilots manning these missions were ordered to fly wearing gas masks. On January 13, 1994, a Saifan on approach to an army base near Jerusalem collided with an antenna, killing to two pilots and two other officers on board, including the commander of Israel's Central Command.

May 1984 witnessed the introduction of another Bell 206 variant into IAF service, the 206L LongRanger, nicknamed "Saifaneet". The Saifaneet, capable of carrying 5 passengers instead of the Saifan's 3, is operated by the 125th squadron alongside the Saifans, flying similar roles. Its first trial by fire came during the April 1996 campaign against Hizbullah guerrillas in southern Lebanon, operation "Grapes of Wrath."

The 125th sqn. continues to be the IAF's primary VIP transport squadron, regularly flying high ranking officers all over Israel. Operating the Saifan and Saifaneet, it has become the largest squadron in the IAF, in both men and aircraft.

Specifications for the Bell 206 JetRanger Light Helicopter
Country of Origin: United States
Manufacturer: Bell Helicopter Company - USA
Initial Year of Service: 1967
Production: Not Available
Focus Model: OH-58A Kiowa (Bell 206)
Crew: 1 + 4
Length: 32.28ft (9.84m)
Width: 35.33ft (10.77m)
Height: 9.55ft (2.91m)
Weight (Empty): 1,583lbs (718kg)
Weight (MTOW): 2,998lbs (1,360kg)
Powerplant: 1 x Allison T63-A-700 (Allison 250) turboshaft generating 317shp while driving a two-blade main rotor and tail section rotor.
Maximum Speed: 122mph (196kmh; 106kts)
Maximum Range: 298miles (480km)
Service Ceiling: 18,999ft (5,791m; 3.6miles)
Rate-of-Climb: 1,780 feet per minute (543m/min)
Hardpoints: 0
Armament Suite: Mission-specific armament for the base Bell 206 is minimal. 2 x 7.62mm machine guns (pintle-mounted in doorways).
Variants: OH-4 - Designation for failed LOH competition bid.
Bell 206 JetRanger - Civilian Market Designation for Bell 206 platform.
Bell 206A - Production model for the US Army.
OH-58A Kiowa - Redesignation of the Bell 206A model for the US Army.
OH-58C Kiowa - Standardized US Army Model with improved engine performance.
COH-58A - Canadian Export Models
CH-139 - Redesignation of the COH-58A Canadian Export Model.
206B-1 Kiowa - Australian local variant produced by Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation.
TH-57 SeaRanger - US Navy Pilot Trainer Model
TH-67 Creek - US Army Pilot Trainer Model
AB 206 - Italian export Reconnaissance and Pilot Trainer Model.

Operators: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Peru, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and the United States of America.


Batteries power electric         LiPo batteries (short for Lithium Polymer) are a type of rechargeable battery that has taken the electric RC world by storm, especially for planes and helicopters. They are the main reason electric flight is now a very viable option over fuel powered models.

RC LiPo batteries have three main things going for them that make them the perfect battery choice for RC planes and even more so for RC helicopters over conventional rechargeable battery types such as NiCad, or NiMH.
• RC LiPo batteries are light weight and can be made in almost any shape and size.
• RC LiPo batteries have large capacities, meaning they hold lots of power in a small package.
• RC LiPo batteries have high discharge rates to power the most demanding electric motors.

        In short, LiPo’s provide high energy storage to weight ratios in an endless variety of shapes and sizes. These benefits are important in any RC model, but for airplanes and helicopters they are the reason electric flight has become so popular. Face it, electric cars and boats have been around for decades, it wasn’t until LiPo battery technology arrived on the scene that electric planes and helicopters started showing up and are now surpassing nitro power and even turbine in terms of power to weight ratios. There are a few down sides with RC LiPo batteries however; once again proving there is no perfect solution.
• RC LiPo batteries are still expensive compared to NiCad and NiMH, but coming down in price all the time.
• Although getting better, RC LiPo’s don’t last that long, perhaps only 300-400 charge cycles (much less if not cared for properly). That said, I have heard some people getting over 1000 cycles if all the rules are followed.
• Safety issues - because of the volatile electrolyte used in LiPo’s, they can catch fire or explode.
• RC LiPo batteries require unique and proper care if they are going to last for any length of time more so than any other battery technology. Charging, discharging, and storage all affect the lifespan – get it wrong and a LiPo is garbage in as little as one mistake. Before I start talking about the actual care & ratings of RC LiPo batteries, I thought I should go over the basics first. Feel free to skip down the page if you don’t care about the actual make up of a lithium battery and just “want to know what the heli to do with them and what to look for when buying them”.

Differences in Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries.
        In the RC world today, most battery packs are of the LiPo type. I thought I should include a short discussion on the Li-Ion type of pack just in case you come across one as they are used in some higher end radios. Li-Ion and LiPo batteries have essentially the same chemical make-up, they both rely on lithium ion exchange between the lithium carbon cathode & anode, and are cared for in the same way; the primary differences are in how the cells are packaged and the type of electrolyte that is used.

        Li-Ion batteries use a flammable solvent based organic liquid as the electrolyte. This electrolyte is responsible for the lithium ion exchange between the electrodes (anode and cathode) just like any type of battery. Li-Ion batteries are usually encased in a hard metal can (again like a more conventional battery) to keep the electrodes wound up tight against the separator sheet adding weight and not allowing many different options as far as shape and size.

        A true LiPo battery doesn’t use a liquid electrolyte but instead uses a dry electrolyte polymer separator sheet that resembles a thin plastic film. This separator is sandwiched (actually laminated) between the anode and cathode of the battery (lithium carbon coated aluminum & copper plates) allowing for the lithium ion exchange – thus the name lithium polymer. This method allows for a very thin and wide range of shapes and sizes of cells. The problem with true LiPo cell construction is the lithium ion exchange through the dry electrolyte polymer is slow and thus greatly reduces the discharge and charging rates. This problem can be somewhat overcome by heating up the battery to allow for a faster lithium ion exchange through the polymer between anode and cathode, but is not practical for most applications. If they could crack this problem, the safety risk of lithium batteries would be greatly reduced. With the big push towards electric cars and energy storage, there is no doubt some pretty huge developments will be made in ultra light weight dry and safe LiPo’s in the coming years. Seeing that theoretically this type of battery could be made flexible, almost like a fabric, just think of the possibilities.

LiPo Hybrids
        All RC LiPo batteries out there at the time of this write up (January 2013) are actually a hybrid lithium polymer battery. The correct name for this type of battery is lithium-ion polymer, but the battery world of today simply calls them lithium polymer even though they are not a true dry type LiPo battery.

By introducing a gelled organic/solvent based electrolyte to saturate the polymer separator, the lithium ion exchange rate between anode and cathode is improved immensely. LiPo hybrids like Li-Ion can still burst and catch on fire if over charged, shorted, punctured, or incinerated.

When first introduced, LiPo batteries were more expensive than Li-Ion because they are more labor intensive to manufacture. Fortunately prices have dropped substantially since they have become as, if not more popular than Li-Ion battery technology. This holds especially true for electric powered RC aircraft and the real driver behind LiPo battery research – portable communication/entertainment devices.

LiPo hybrids use the same flat cell structure as their dry counter parts meaning they have the same flexibility with sizes and shapes allowing for very specialized shaped battery packs perfect for use in our RC models. Almost every RC LiPo battery cell is packaged in a foil pouch coincidentally called a pouch cell. The picture to the right shows a typical 2 cell LiPo RC battery pack. Pouch cells are the perfect solution for building multi celled battery packs since the flat pouch cell can be stacked with no wasted air spaces like found within round celled battery packs. Of course since LiPo’s use this light weight pouch instead of a metal can, less weight is the result making LiPo’s the best choice over Li-Ion in a weight conscious application such as RC aircraft. If you ever open up a LiPo foil pouch cell, this is what you will find. A long piece of very thin plastic film (the polymer) with the thin lithium carbon coated aluminum & copper anode & cathode electrodes laminated in an alternating pattern on the front and back side of the polymer separator film. The works will be saturated with the greasy solvent based organic electrolyte. This long film (over 7 feet long in the case of this 5000 mAh cell), is then folded accordion style back and forth upon itself. The entire folded cell matrix is then heat sealed into the foil pouch along with the gelled electrolyte which incidentally has a very sweet solvent smell much like nail polish remover/acetone. If you're wondering what the burnt hole is in the center of all the cell folds, I purposely drove a nail through this cell to discharge it rapidly & watch the fireworks. The cell rapidly ballooned out, burst, and vented a fair amount of flammable electrolyte but never caught on fire. On the positive side, if it would have burst into flame, I wouldn't have this picture to show the "guts". I only did this because I dropped this heavy 6S 5000mAh LiPo pack on the hard concrete floor (yes - very dumb & costly butter finger moment) and one cell was damaged in the process. Lesson learned, don't carry more LiPo's than you can safely hold! Here's a good video of the processes involved in manufacturing LiPo cells.